Copy of note concerning Charles Tunnah and William Dale's proposal for coining farthings, and Catesby Odam being assay-master
Officers of Mint abt. Charles Tunnah & Wm. Dale proposall for Coyning Farthins {sic} & also abt Mr Odams being assay Master.
My Lord Treasurer is pleased to direct You to consider the Peticon which I send you inclosed of Charles Tunnah and Wm Dale proposing the Coyning of Farthings and half pence of a new mettle that toucheth like Gold & to make your report to his Lordp thereupon when you are prepared to lay your thoughts before his Lordp about Coyning Farthings and half pence in the Method discoursed of when you last attended here. I send You also by his Lordps Order a Memol. & Certificate in behalfe of Catesby Odam who prays the Office of Assay Master for Your Consideracon I am &c. 15th. August 1713.
T. Harley