Copy of a note accompanying Mr Anstis's account of the sale of tin between Christmas 1713 and Christmas 1714
Officers {of the} Mint abt. Mr Anstis Accot. of Tin from Xmas 1713 to Xmas 1714
By Order of the Lords Commrs of His Mats. Treasury I send You the inclosed Account wch their Lordꝑs have received from Mr Anstis Shewing what money hath arisen by ye sale of Tin between Xmas 1713 & Xmas 1714 And what Tin hath been made in Devon and Cornwal in the four last Quarterly Coynages and ye Charges thereupon Their Lordꝑs are pleased to direct You to consider ye said Accot & let them know if ye same be truly stated or not
I am &ca 6 Ianry 1714
Wm Lowndes