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<113> [1]

At the Court at Kensington the 1st July 1718


The Kings most Excellent Maty in Councill

It is this day Ordered by his Maty in Councill That the Lords of his Mats: most Honoble: Privy Councill do meet at the House Inhabited by the Vsher within the Receipt of his Mats. Excheqr: at Westmr: on Mond the 4th day of August next at Nine of the Clock in Morning for the tryall of his Mats: Coins in the Pix of the Mint within the Tower of London And the Right Honoble: the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain is to require the Wardens and Company of Goldsmiths of London to summon a Iury of Working Goldsmiths to give attendance on their Lordps at the place aforesaid And the Right Honoble: the Lords Commrs: of the Treasury are to Direct the Warden Master & Worker and Comptroller of his Mats: Mint within the Tower of London with the rest of the Officers there in concerned to be then present

Edward Southwel

[1] Officers of the Mint to attend the Tryall of the Pix

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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