Copy of note concerning the petition of the Provost and Fellows of the Corporation of Moneyers
To the Rght Honble the Lord Comrs of his Maties Treary
A Report of the Officrs of the Mint
May it please yor Lordspps
In Obedience to yor Lordspps Order of Refference dated the 11° May 1699
Wee have considred the Peticon of the Provost & Fellowes of the Corporacon of Monyrs and and {sic} their Bill hereunto Annexed And doe finde the said Bill as far as March 169 is the same as that they formerly laid before yor Lordspps) (Excepting that they have here omitted wtt was there sett downe for Coinage Houses and Mony advanced) and doeth amount to 4666£: 0{5}|4|s: 00d: wch Bill wee have already reduced to 4000li in a former report
And for wtt they have here further added in their Bill amounting to 587£. 18s: 05d Wee are humbly of Opinion that 400li is a sufficient allowance
All wch is most humbly submitted to
yor Lordspps great Wisdome
Is Newton
Tho Neale
Tho Molyeneux