Copy of note concerning the petition of William Bond and the letter of George Smythe
To the Rt: Honble: the Lord High Trearer of England
May it Please Your Lordship
In Obedience to Your Lordships Reference to Vs of the 12th. Instant upon the peticon of Wm: Bond Wee do humbly acquaint your Lordship that Wee have Examined his Case and find as well by the annexed Certificate as by a Letter from Mr. George Smythe to Mr. Newton when he was Warden of the Mint, that the petr: has formerly been Active and at Considerable Charges in discovering and prosecuting Coiners & Clippers in the County of Glocester {sic} as he has sett forth in his peticon but it does not appear to us that He has had any Reqard for his said Services.
As to the Summ of Money alledged in the peticon to have been paid to Mr. George Smithe out of the Treary as a Reward and Gratuity for the said Services Wee most humbly Refer to the Books of the Treary upon which it was paid.
All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great Wisdom
I Stanley
Is: Newton
In Ellis
Mint Office Septr. 1st: 1703