Copy of letter recommending Gabriel le Clerc as third Graver of the Mint
To the Rt: Honble: Sidney Lord Godolphin Lord High Trearer of England
May it Please Your Lordship
In a Report which We lately made to Your Lordship about filling the Gravers place, We proposed Mr. Croker to be first Graver of the Mint, and Mr. Bull the second and by reason that Mr Gabriel Le Clerc one of the Peticoners who is a Skilful and nimble Artist was then in the Service of the Duke of Zell Wee humbly desired time to Consider of a third person, but he having since obtained his Discharge from the Duke of Zell, and being now at Liberty wee therefore most humbly Reccommend Him for his Ability as a fitt person to be incerted in the patent for the place of Third Graver with a Sallary of Eighty pounds ꝑ Ann to commence from Christmas last
All which is most humbly submitted to Your Lordships great Wisdom
I Stanley
Is Newton
In Ellis