Copy of letter concerning the values of standards
To the Rt Honble: the Lords Commrs: of Her Majestys Treasury
May it Please Your Lordships
In Obedience to Your Lordships verbal Order concerning the Value of several standards for Plate we humbly lay before your Lordships
That old Plate of eleven ounces two pennyweight of fine silver in the pound weight Troy being of the same standard with the money is of the same value wch: is 5s: 2d ꝑ ounce.
That new Plate of eleven ounces ten penny weight of fine silver in the pound weight Troy is worth 5s: 4d & parts of a penny of about 5s: 4d per ounce.
The Plate of Ten ounces 15 penny weight of fine silver in the pound weight Troy would be worth 5s & parts if a penny, or 5s and about the sixth part of a farthing ꝑ ounce. And if the Fraction which is inconsiderable be neglected, it may be reckoned at 5s ꝑ ounce.
That Plate of ten ounces four pennyweight of fine silver in the pound weight Troy would be worth 4s. 9d. wanting about the 9th part of a farthing ꝑ ounce. And if the fraction wch: is inconsiderable be neglected, it may be reckoned worth 4s: 9d ꝑ ounce.
That Plate of eleven ounces of fine silver in the pound weight Troy would be worth 5s: 1d ꝑ ounce abating parts of a penny or a quarter of a Farthing.
And we further take leave to make as near an Estimate as we can of the value of the Plate already made
That old Plate is worth about 5s & a farthing ꝑ ounce for an abatement must be made of about 6d. or 7d. ꝑ lwt. for the worseness of the plate, & 10d. or 12d ꝑ Lwt for the worseness of the Soder, & 1d. for the Charge of melting it into Ingotts & 2d or 3d ꝑ lwt for the Waste in that melting, that is in all about 21d ꝑ Lwt, or seven farthings ꝑ Ounce.
That new Plate according to the best of our Iudgements is worth about 5s: 2d ꝑ ounce, for an abatement must be made of about 8d. or 10d. ꝑ Lwt for the worseness of the Plate, & 10d. or 12d. ꝑ Lwt for the worseness of the Soder and 1d ꝑ Lwt for the charge of melting it into Ingotts, & 2d or 3d ꝑ Lwt for the Wast{e} in that melting, that is, in all about 2s. ꝑ Lwtor 2d. ꝑ ounce.
All wch: is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great Wisdom
C P. Is: N I. Ell
[1][1] 25. Apl. 1711.