Copy of response to the Taunton petition
To His Grace the Duke of Shrewsbury Lord Trearer of Great Britain
May it please Your Grace.
Vpon an Order from my Late Lord Treasurer dated Iuly 27: 1714. that we should give our opinion upon the Inclosed petiīon of severall Traders in the Woollen Manufactures in and about Taunton, that the Moydors of Portugall may there be [1]received by the Collectors of the Revenues at 28s a peice {sic}: We humbly represent that by their Weight and assay they are worth about 27s: 7d a peice {sic} at a Medium, but are frequently culled in London and the lighter peices {sic} sent to other places to be put away where people will receive them, and those lighter peices {sic} are scarce worth above 27s: 6d one with another, which is the price that the Collectors of the Revenues are willing to take them at.
All which is most humbly submitted.
[1] {/w:m:}