Copy of Newton's summary of "The case stated specially between Mr Redhead and Mr Blofield"
The Case stated specially between Mr. Redhead + Mr. Blofield.
By ye Day bookes of the late Mint at Norwich + the Cashbookes of Mr. Redhead + his Clerk + by another book composed + sign'd by the warden of yt. Mint we find that Mr. Redhead upon ye breaking up of that Mint was indebted 2497l: 16s: 03d to Mr. Blofield for hammer'd mony at 5s. ꝑ Ounce.
In Discharge of this Debt Mr. Redhead produces three Rects. for 2500l: paid to Mr. Blofields ordr. out of that Mint, the one dated augt. 26th. 1697 for 500l the other two dated augt. ye 30th. + Sepr. 1st. 1697 for 1000l each to wch. Mr. Blofield + his friends answr. that whatsoever sum̄s were payd to him or his ordr. out of that mint upon such private Rects. were paid in Course for silver Imported + intended upon ye next accounting to be brought to acct. + set off upon ye printed Mint Ticquetts then payable in Course + accordingly were all of them faithfully brought to acct. as he is ready to make oath but ye Rects. were not alwais taken up + Cancell'd as they should have been The endorsmt. on ye printed Mint ticquetts implying (as they Concieved {sic}) according to ye ordr. + Course of the Mint that all summs paid untill ye day of the Endorsmt. were then accounted for + sett off upon ye printed Ticketts + thereby all private Rects. of such sum̄es untill that day discharg'd + made voyd, wch made him + his agents less carefull to take them up. They say also that abt. three weeks after the date of the sd. three Rects. vizt. on 22th. sepr. 1697 Mr. Blofield accounted wth. Mr. Redhead and endorsed 14922l. on two Mint ticketts including all sum̄s paid to him untill that time + that in so short a time as three weeks so great a sum̄ as 2500l could not be forgott + that in Decr. following he accounted again + endorsed 6443l: 13s: 09d on two other Mint ticketts including all further sum̄s untill that day, By wch. accountings + Endorsemts. the sd. three Rects. (if they be true ones) being looked upon as Discharg'd, they were not menīoned any further by Mr. Redhead while that Mint stood nor for a long time after but lay neglected till he thought fitt to produce them, as he did also some other Rects. of the same kind wch. ye Importrs. neglected to take up + cancell + wch. are now allow'd to be voyd.
In examining this mattr. we find therefore that Mr. Redhead did pay severll. sum̄s of mony to Mr. Blofield + some other Importers upon private Rects. without endorseing ye sum̄s upon ye printed Mint ticketts untill they came to a Generall Reckoning upon the tickett or ticketts next payable in course, + that the Importers did sometimes upon such a Reckoning neglect to take up their Rects. That Mr. Blofield did endorse 14922l: on two ticketts 22th. sepr. 1697 + 6443: 13: 09 more on two others in Decr. following as he alledged + we humbly Concieve {sic} these Endorsemts. by ye Course of the Mint to be in full of all monys paid upon those ticketts so as to be voyd the sd. three Rects. unless Mr. Redhead can pos{illeg}t|it|ively prove ye paymt. of more mony by 2500l upon ye two first of those tickets then {was}{were} Endorsed upon them wch. proof is wanting + would infer ye Crime of undue Pr.ference, the Officers of that Mint for preventing Misreckonings took an accot. every two or three dayes + sometimes dayly of all ye mony's new Coyned + pd. away + of wt. remained in ye treary whereby a Misreckoning of 2500l might soon have been discovered, whereas those three Rects. lay neglected till about Michae 1699 wch. was two yeares after the Endorsmt. Mr. Redhead representing that he then found also & produced a Rect. of 1858l. left in yt. Mint by Mr. Dashwood anor. Importer of publick Hammere'd mony, but by an affidavitt of Mr. Allen Clerk to the Warden of that Mint made before my Ld. Chief Baron Ward ye 3d. of Iuly 1701 + by other Circumstances it appeares to us, That mr. Dashwood did acct. for that mony + neglected to take up + Cancell the Rect. + this is now acknowledged also by Mr. Redhead and abt. the same time the sd. Mr. Redhead produced also two other Rects. of the aforesd. Mr. Blofield besides the three above menīoned both dated in ye sd. Month of augt. 1697 the one for 500l the other for 1000l but by ye aforesd. affidavit of Mr. Allen these sum̄s were accounted for upon ye same 22th. sepr. 1697 + Mr. Redhead insists no further upon ym. seeing therefore that Mr. Blofield upon accounting on ye sd. 22th. Sepr. 1697 did neglect to take up + Cancell his Rects. then accounted for or some of ym. it may be suspected that the three now produced were of that Number, For the sd. Mr. allen in ye affidavitt above menīoned affirmes further that he hath heard + believes that Mr. Redhead hath anor. Note of Mr. Blofield for 1000l + believes that Mr. Blofield forgott to take up that Note when he accounted for the mony + sign'd the printed Rect. or Tickett which Note wee take to be one of the three Rects. now produced by Mr. Redhead, and Mr. Redhead affirmes nothing further of the sd. three Rects. then yt he found ym. amongst his papers sometime after that Mint broke up + believes ym. truely to be sign'd by Mr. Crowne who now imploy'd by Mr Demee ye agent of Mr. Blofield.
[1]Is: Newton
[1] Ianry 15 1702