Copy of Newton's response to the petition of Gabriel le Clerk
To the Rt Honble The Lord High Treasr: of Great Britain
May it please yor. Lordsp
In obedience to yor Lordsps. order of Reference of ye 25th. March last. I have considered ye annex'd peion of Gabriel L. Clerk one of ye Engravers of ye Mint, concerning his salary, & humbly represent that before his going beyond seas I was dissatisfied with his carriage. & gave him no leave to work in Forreign Mints. & that his Salary was interrupted in my Last years accots. by his absence abroad, & in my most humb\le/ opinion wants yor Lordsps order to revive it & continue it But if yor Lordsp pleases I will pay it upon yor. Lordsps verbal order. & if ye Auditor scruples ye Accot. apply hereafter for a warrant
All which is most humbly submitted
to yor Lordsps great Wisdome
Is. Newton