
After my hearty Commendacons Whereas in pursuance of an Address of the Commons of Great Brittain in Parliament assembled made to her Majty. on or about the Fifth day of may 1711 and by her Majts: warrant issued thereupon under her Royall sign manual bearing Date the 10th: Day of the same month, severall parcells of Wrought Plate were received into her Mats: Mint after the 14th. Day of May 1711 at such Rates and prizes as had been agreed to by the \sd/ Commons which Rates and prices for the said plate Exceeded the Monies produced by the coynage of the same by the sume of Nineteen hundred and fifteen pounds Eleaven shillings and six Pence as appears by the Anexed Certificate signed by the Warden and Comptroller of her Mats: sd. Mint And Whereas by an Act of this session of Parliament entitled (an act for charging and Continuing the Duties upon Malt Mum Cider and Perry for the service of the year 1712 and for applying part of the Coynage Duties to pay the Deficiency of the Value of Plate coined and so pay for the Recoyning the old money in Scotland) It is amongst other things enacted that the said Deficiency or sum not exceeding nineteen hundred and fifteen pounds eleven shillings and six pence be supplyed or made good out of the moneys which have arisen or shall Arise by the Duty commonly called the Coynage Duty These are therefore to authorize and require you, that out of the monies that are or shall be in your hands of the Coynage Duty, you apply the said sum of Nineteen hundred and Fifteen pounds eleaven shillings and six pence to make good the above mentioned Deficiency. And for soe doing this together with the Respective Ticketts given to the severall Importers and their Acquittances thereupon shall be as well to you for payment as to the Auditors of her Mats Imprests for allowing thereof upon your account a sufficient Warrant whitehall Treary Chamber 23 of February 1711


[1] [2]

[1] To my very Loving Freind {sic} Sr. Isaac Newton Knt
Master and Worker of her Mats. Mint


Deficiency on coyning Wrought Plate {amo} to 1915li. 11. 6 to be made good out of coynage

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