Copy of warrant to take on Beresford as apprentice
After my hearty Commendations haveing consider'd the aforegoing Report, & approving thereof. These are to authorize & require You, out of ye Moneys that are or shall be Imprest'd to you at ye Recpt. of Her Majts. Exechqr, for ye use & service of ye Mint to pay unto Ino. Croker, the Chief Graver of ye sd Mint or his assignes an allowance after ye rate of Thirty five pounds ꝑ ann; for ye support, & maintenance of Francis Beresford, & for his care in Training him up, in ye art and mistery of Graveing; the said Francis Beresford being already bound, or being meant to be bound an Apprentice to him which allowance is to commence from Xmas last, & to continue to be paid to ye said Ino. Croker for ye purpose aforesaid, for & dureing the full \end &/ terme of 6 years, in case the said Francis Beresford do so long live, & continue under his Care, Maintenance, and Tuition, as an apprentice, And for so doing this shall be as well to you for payment, as to Her Majies. Auditors of the Imprests, & all others concerned in passing & allowing thereof upon yor. account, a sufficient warrt. provided nevertheless, & it is hereby meant & intended, that for and during ye said Terme of 6 years, or such part thereof as the said allowance of thirty five pounds ꝑ ann. shall continue to be paid as aforesd the payments of Eighty pounds ꝑ ann. (wch has for some time been saved to ye Crown) & was heretofore made to Gabriel Le Clerk, as an assistant Graver, shall not be re{v}{ce}ived Whitehall Treasry Chambers Iuly ye 10th. 1712
To my very loveing Friend Sr. Isaac Newton Knt
Master & Worker of Her Majties Mint & to the Master & Worker thereof for ye time being
Inhat in Officio honobly {Edittarly
Ar Audrs xxiiij° Marty} 1712
Ias. Moody Dep. audr
Francis Beresford to be bound apprentice to Ino. Croker Graver of ye |Mint|