
Anne R.

Whereas Our high Treasurer of Great Britain hath laid before us your Memorial of the third Instant wherein you represent that Charles Brattle Gent. Brother to the late Assay master of Our Mint hath ever since the death of his said Brother performed the duty o that Imploymt. & doth still continue to execute that Truth Wherefore you have proposed that he may be paid for that service after the rate of two hundred pounds per ann for himself and Twenty pounds per ann for a Clerk being the salarys allowed by the Indenture of our Mint to the Assay master and his Clerk, To which we being gratiously pleased to condescend Our Will & pleasure is, And we do hereby direct authorize and Command you or such of you to whom it may concerne to pay or cause to be paid unto the said Charles Brattle or his Assigns to much as the said allowances after the rate of Two hundred pounds per ann for himself and Twenty pounds per ann for his Clerk hath amounted to from the decease of his said Brother until Chrmas last, and also to pay the like allowances for the future for so long time as he shall continue to Execute the said Office of Assay master. And this shall be as well to you for making the said payments as to the Auditors of our Imprests and all others concerned in allowing thereof a sufficient Warrant. Given at Our Court at Windsor Castle the 9th day of February 1713. In the twelfth year of our Reign

By her Majties. Commd


[1] [2] [3]

[1] To our trust and Wellbeloved the warden
Master & Worker and Compr. of our Mint


Intrat in Officio honobly Edri Harley arm
Audrs. 16to. die february 1713.

In. Moody Depr. Audr.

[3] Int. in officio Tho. Foley a{r}r. Auditor
23. feb. 1713. Fr. Bythell. Depr. {Audr.}

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