Copy of orders concerning the production of medals for his Majesty's coronation
Let the Master and Worker of His Majestys Mint take care to cause the Number of Three Hundred Medals of Gold, and twelve Hundred medals of silver (being the like Number as was provided for the Coronation of Her late Majesty Queen Anne) to be forthwith provided, and made in the manner directed by the above written Order of Council, The medals of Gold to be of the like Value respectively with those made and provided upon the late peace. And the Medals of silver to be of the like Weight with those made for the Coronation of Queen Anne which Medals are to be delivered by the said Master + Worker to the Treasurer of His Majestys Houshold, to be distributed by Him on the day of His said Majestys Coronation, in such manner as his Maty: shall think fitt. And the Acquittance of the said Treasurer of the Householde shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Master and Worker. Whitehall Treary Chambers. 17 Septr. 1714.
Master & Worker of His Maties: Mint to provide 300 Medals of silver for
his Maties Coronaīon.