
After Our hearty Commendacons By Virtue of a Warrant under His Mats. Royal Signe Mannual dated the 15 Instant, These are to pray & Require you to provide and deliver or cause to be provided and delivered unto Sir Clement Cotterell Knt. (Master of Ceremonies to his Majestye) Thirty such Medalls of Gold as were distributed at his Majestys Coronation, And of the same Weight and fineness being intended for the several Foreign Ministers and others mencond in the Copy of a List or Schedule hereunto Annexed, According to the Direcīons of His Majestys said sign Manual in that behalf And for so doing this together with the Acquittance of the said Sir Clement Cottrell shall be your sufficient Warrant. Whitehall Treary Chambers 21 Septr 1715.

Rid: Onslow

To Our very loving Freind Sr. Isaac Newton Knt.
Master and Worker of His Majesties Mint

Will St Quintin

Edwd. Wortley

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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