
Edinburgh Iuly 26. 1712.

Much Honoured Sr.

I am ashamed to give you this trouble butt the great character I heard my Brother give of you and your Civilities to him when at Londo. Incourages Me to apply to you for your advice and opinion in the particular following.

Mr. Allardes who was Master of the Mint at Edenburgh and my Brother Patrick Scott who was his Depute and did manage the great Coinage hereafter the Vnion having both dyed before my Brothers Accts. were fully made up And Mr Allardes son and my brothers children being under age We are difficulted in adjusting the Acct. of Bullion and Waste My Brother at finishing the Coinage after the Sweep was three times searched over gave in an Abrevial {sic} thereof to Mr. Allardes Freinds {sic} whereby the Waste appears to be Two Hundred thirty four pound Weight, butt what occasions matter of Debate is that my Brother when he Dyed was so violently oppressed with sickness that he could not apply himself to clear any of his Affairs in the mean time had lying by him One Hundred forty pound weight of Bullion in rough Ingotts. Mr. Allardes' Freinds {sic} demand that Bullion to be given up to them and that my Brothers Accts. of the Coinage should be made up thereafter without any regard to that Bullion On the other hand My Brothers Freinds {sic} plead the Acct. be made up according to the Mint Books which agree with the mentioned abrevial {sic} whereby the Waste seems very probable and Equal whereas stating the Accts. as Allardes Freinds {sic} proposed and delivering up the Bullion left by my Brother diminishes the Waste so much that in our Iudgment seems to bear no proportion to such a great coinage considering also there was 12838 pd. 15 dwt. refined by Accts. given in to the publick for which Mr. Allardes is to be allowed £501: 02: 0234 sterling, I know from several Notes amongst my Brothers papers that he bought up several parcels of Bullion nott Entered in the Mint Books which I presume he designed for further supply in case the Mint had again Opened for Coinage after Allardes death, and seems to be the Bullion on hand, to prevent any Loss my Brothers poor children may sustaine I humbly intreat You would give Your Opinion what Waste may reasonably be thought to arise from so great a Coinage and whether or nott considering the Quantity refined And how much the Work was hasted it be possible there should be so small Loss as Allardes Freinds {sic} pretend to your condescendence to this trouble will be a singular Act of Kindness and a perpetual obligation upon

Much Honoured


Your most Humble and Most

Obedient Servt

Hercules Scott

The whole Quantity of Bullion brought into the Mint as ꝑ Mint Books standd: 104634:09:16:23
Bullion Accompted for by Mr Scot {sic}s abrevial & said Books 104400:08:05:21
Rems: to Waste 234:01:11:02
Allardes freinds {sic} demand further without Acct 108:10:08:22
Will remaine then to Waste 125:03:02:04

What I humbly desire to be Informed of is whether the Waste on such a Quantity of silver brought into the Mint whereof 12838 pd. was refined can be Iudged to be brought so low as 125li. or the first acct. 234li be more reasonable. There was an entire freindship {sic} & confidence twixt Mr. Allardes & my Brother wn. alive & should be sorry if either their Representatives should sustaine any apparent Loss & could think on no better way to determine Me as to my doubts in this matter then to have you Opinion

{I} shall Intreat your answer with your Conveniency I am much Hond. as above

Hercules Scott.

[1] Please direct for Me
Mercht. in Edinburgh

[2] Much Honoured

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