Copy of letter from Hercules Scott to Fauquier enquiring as to the opinion of Newton on earlier letters
Edinbrugh Ianry 29: 17
To Dr. fauquier
I was Honoured with your missive of the 23 August past desireing I would explain to Sr. Isaac Newton what I had writ anent the Recoinage occasioned by a Difference arisen betwixt Mr. Allardes Representative and those of my Brother Patrick Scott who was his Depute I writ Sr. Isaac upon the 28 sd. month and on the 27 Novr. with an exact abrevial {sic} of the whole Bullion Imported into the Mint and the Waste arising thereupon I never had any return from Sr. Isaac. Sr. it would be a singular Kindness if you would communicate to Me Sr. Isaacs thoughts of the Matter for I am lost to importune him further seing {sic} I hear he has been valetudinary which am heartily sorry for: I beg leave also to intreat your own opinion and what other experienced people belonging to your Mint Iudge of it wch: I request you will nott deny me My good Freind {sic} Mr Thos: Scott will call for your Answer and transmitt itt to my hands: here under is an Extract of the whole Recoynage from the Mint Books that you may have it under consideration hoping you'll pardon this trouble and freedom I am
Your Most Humble and most
Obedient Servt.
Hercules Scott.