Copy of letter to the Chester Mint concerning the storage of the new monies
To the Officer's of the Mint at Chester
Wee having some reason to beleive {sic} from an Expression in a Letter lately received, that Mr. Lewis has been entrusted wth. the new Monies reced from the Monyrs: & the Paymt. of them to the respective Importer': Doe direct You for the future, to take all such Monies into yor. owne Custody by locking itt upp in yor. Treasury Roome Vnder your three Key's; & to permitt noe other person, to be any wayes concern'd in the keeping or paying such Monyes out to the severall Importer's, The Comptrollrs. Clerke having nothing to doe wth. the Treasury or Monyes deposited therin, wch. alwaies ought to have been under the Care & Custody of the Deputy Warden, Master & Comptrolr.
We are Gentlemen
Yor: Loving Freinds {sic}
[1]Isaac Newton
Tho Neale
Tho: Molyneux