Copy of letter condemning the quarrelling at the Chester Mint and promising to resolve the issue
To the Officers of {the} Chester Mint
Wee are much concern'd to hear of ye continu'd quarrells amongst you at the Mint & the storys relating thereto are so directly opposite one to the other that all Wee can say to ye matter, till Wee hear both sides together, is, that Wee beleive {sic} both sides much in the wrong, & resolve to Come & hear it Our Selves
But that the publick business may not stopp in the mean time, Wee do hereby strictly charge & command you, that the melting & Coynage goe on wth.out any interuption, yt money to ye severall Importers be duly issued in course, as soone as pix'd and assay'd, & that ye same be actually paid ('till the Dep: Master returne) by Mr Lewis, & Mr Robinson wth whome the Masters Key will be trusted & You the Warden & Comptrolr. are to see the same be done accordingly.
Till Wee come let there be no further quarrelling, but let the publick business be peac\e/ably carry'd-on, as it ought to be: for the Mint will not allow of the drawing of swords, & assaulting any, nor ought such Language, Wee hear has been, be used any more amongst You
We are
Yor Lovg Frds:
Is. Newton
Tho Neale
Tho: Molyneux