Copy of letter appointing Halley to oversee weighing of plate at the Chester Mint
The Lods Commissrs of his Majties: Treasury haveing agreed with Sr Io. Iohnson & Others Vndertake{s}|r|s to pay ready money for Wrought Plate at the Country Mints. have directed Vs to appoint a person in each Mint; Wee do hereby direct & appoint You Edmund Halley Gent: to attend constantly & oversee ye weighing of all Plate taken & Received by ye said Vndertakrs: at 5s & 4d pr Ounce, according to the late Act of Parliamt: to see ye Number of ye Ounces in every parcell duly entred in a book kept by ye Vndertak\rs/ for yt purpose, to signe the foot of every page totall'd conteining such Entires; to inspect ye Melting down of all (so receiv'd & Entred) into Ingotts; to see yt no other Silver, Money, nor any other thing whatever be melted with such Plate; And to keep an Accompt of ye Number, Mark, & Weight of every Ingott proceeding there from
You are further directed to read for yr: better informacon, the Act of encouraging the bringing in Wrought Plate to be coyned, made in the last session of Parliamt. We are yr Lovg Friends
[1]P. S. When yr Crown dyes are worn out, You must Order yor. Melter to cast all ye barrs for shillings & six pences, yt no other species may be Coyned.
To the Comptrollr: of Chester Mint