Copy of letter to the Chester Mint requesting that animosity between individuals should not interrupt the running of that Mint
To the Warden, Master Worker & Comptrollr of the Mint at Chester
Wee do hereby require & charge you that you forbear those animositys that are between you & do not suffer them to interrupt the regular & orderly proceedings att the Mint according to ye Due Course thereof & particularly yt you ye Master & worker Mr Clarke & his assistant Lewis do produce & show their accounts to you ye Warden & Controllr or either of them as often as they shall require & do suffer them to inspect or have duplicates of them from time to time as they require for keeping them right and satisfying themselves & us about them whensoever we shall desire it & yt all ye sallerys wch are payable by The Warden by the Indenture of the Mint be paid by Mr Clarke to Mr Weddell yr warden for ye Vse of the severall Officers & Clarks by & with his directions to ye officers themselves and not otherwise the Indenture requiring it so, & but for saveing trouble itt should have been so all along, we also direct that Mr Lewis be paid his sallary as Comptrollr Clerke for such part of yr last quarter as he did ye Business off ye Comptrollr Clerke & ye sallary no longer (his sallary since depending only on ye Master Worker & that Mr Greenhill be paid the Intire sallary of Comptrollr Clarke for so long as he hath or shall do ye whole business of ye Comptrollers Clerk & wee are not of opinion that any new Clerk be imposed on the Comtrrs Office without further directions from hence these things we stricktly require of you as you will answer itt at yor Perrill
yor Loving friends
Is Newton
Tho Neale