Copy of letter to the Chester Mint concerning the destruction of worn dyes
Wee being very well assur'd yt you must have a considera\ble/ Number of dies {sic} in yr. custody, wch: are to {sic} worn or crackd as to be altogether unfitt for any longer usage in coining ye monys: & it being our design to cause all such dies {sic} both heads & Arms, to be defac'd & broken here in ye presence of us ye Warden Master et cæta. as ought to be, & usually is done in the like case
Wee direct You therefore yt you cause all such dies {sic} as are useless, both heads & Arms of Crowns; shills & six pences to be carefully Numbred each sort distinctly & put up securely in a strong box, in ye presence of you the Depty Warden, Master Wkr: & Comptroller, & ye surveyor of ye Meltings, & ye Assistant Graver of yor Mint: & then you are to direct & send ye said box by the Waggon\first/ opportunity you shall have of conveying it hither ye Waggon wch ye Kings Mony for taxes, when any such Monys are sent to Town under a Guard: takeing ye Receivers or Waggoners Receipt for ye safe delivery of ye said Box to ye Porter of the Mint in ye Tower, & enclosing yt receipt in yor Lettr: to Vs, to be deliver'd back when ye box is received here
In which Lettr Wee exspect {sic} you give use a distinckt accot: of ye whole Number of heads & Arms of ye Crowns shillings & six pences You send in the box: And ye exact Accot: or Number of each sort that shall remaine wth you
Wee are Gentn
yor Loving Friends
Is Newton
Tho Neale