<3v> [1] [2]

The Informacon of William Pool of Westmr. in the county of Middx Victuallr. taken upon oath this 14th day of Iuly 1698

Who saith that in May 1697 he this Informt. had notice by Mrs Sarah Ilbury and Robt. Little and afterwards by one Roger Potts son in law to one Iohn Holt of peter street Westmr. That upon searching the house of the said Iohn Holt in Peter street aforesaid some Metall had been thrown out over the pates into a Ditch, and this Informt. did then at the assize of the said Iohn Holt and by the assistance of the said Roger potts search the said Ditch and there found 65 oz of Metall and by the consent of the sd. Holt delivered the same into the hands of the said Sarah Ilbury and Robt. Little, and Sarah Ilbury and Robt. Little at ye same tyme desired this Informt to let them have a room to put a press in to coyn which the Deponents wife refused He saith also that in Aprill 1697 the said Holt desired this Informt. to go imediatly to his said Son in Law Roger potts and to order him to shew him the Bean-Mill and said that in that Mill was hid abot. 50ll. of Counterfeit half Crownes and confessed to this Deponent and Mrs Ilbury that he had coyned the same in that Mill. The said Iohn Holt at the same tyme told this Informt. also that he had been trying to make shillings of the New coyn and thad made two and hid them under the Hearth and could not find them and that he could make Moulds of Alablaster {sic} to coyn new shillings in And the sd Robt Little did abot. the same tyme tell this Informt. that he the said Little did not much concern himself in Silver but wt. he did was in Gold and the sd Little then shewd. this Informt. two false Gineas {sic} stamped with the scepters but not yet guilt

This Informt. further saith That in or abot. Iune 1697 the said mrs Ilbury was drinking at this Informts house in Westmr. and did then and there pay to this Informt upon the accot of her Recconing the shilling now produced and he asking her the said Ilbury how or where she had it she told him that she clipt, filed and edged it her self with severall other shillings which she the sd <4r> Ilbury then shewed to this Informt. but said that the proffitt which she got thereby was so small that she must find out some other Invencon or way of living for that would not do And this Informt. further saith that he hath heard the sd Mrs. Ilbury severall times declare that she used to go two or 3 times a week to Kentish Towne to make false money with Timothy Charnock Henry Cope and Iohn Holt aforesaid with the Mill which was found at the said Cope's house

the mark of
William Pool


[1] {W}estmr.

[2] 5

[3] Iurat die et Anno preedict coram
  Is Newton

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