John Whitfield: The Examination of John Whitfield of St Andrews Street in St Gyles's parish Victualler 5 August 1698
The Examinacon of Iohn Whitfield of St Andrews street in St Gyles's ꝑish Victualler taken this 5th. day of Augt. 1698
He saith that abot. five or six weeks ago {illeg}|one| Ball now prisoner in Newgate received of one Lawson a parcell of Counterfeit Spanish Pistolls wrapt up in a paper in Sight of this Examt. and that Lawson in delivering the paper said that there was 20 pistolls in it but the Examt. did not see the pistolls in it and that this was done in Lawson's house in Boswell Court on the backside of St. Clemts The Examt. saith also that a few dayes after the said Ball brought to the Examts house two false pistoles which the Examt believes to be part of the twenty and told the Examt. that if he could put them off he should have them for 6 shills or at 5s {11} rather then faile and this he offered in discharge of a Debt of abot. 8 or 9s owing by the said Ball to this Examt. And yt abot. 2 or 3 dayes or a week after Mr. WmWilliam. Butler and Thomas Hall came to the Examts house and in some discourse askt ye Examt. if he could help them to any Spanish pistolls to put off and thereupon the Examt. and his wife or one of them or one of them gave the said Butler and Hall two pistolls to put off
He saith also that abot 5 weeks ago Mrs. Mary Moore als Miller brought to the Examt. 103 Sixpences which the Examt. took to be pewter and offered them to the Examt. after the rate of 20 for a Crown and that the Examts wife kept one {illeg}|o|f those Sixpences and the Examt. another and gave a third to Mr. Butler and returned the rest being an hundred in Number to the said Mrs Miller
Iohn Whitfield