Jane Keyes: fragment of The Deposition of Jane Keyes the wife of John Keyes Victualler at the White Horse by the May Pole at Newington Butts 7 August 1698
The Deposicon of Iane Keyes the wife of Ino Keyes Vict at the White horse by the May Pole at Newington Butts 7 augt. 1698
She saith that abot. 2 or 3 months ago Berry and Rebecca his wife came to the Deponts house and desired the Depont. and her husband to help them to some body that could make them some Countrfeit Gineas {sic} naming abot. 200 + afterwards one hundred and pretending it was to supplied a Gentl with a shew of Gold in courting of a rich old Widdow whereupon the Depont went to Iohn Smith of Essex Court in white Fryers
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