<11r> [1]

The further Informacon of Mary Miller now a prisoner in Newgate 22d August 1698

Who sayth that abot. the beginning of Iuly last past this Informt was at the house of one Mr. Whitfield at the Crown and Sceptre near the monumt Dyall in the New buildings by Longacre in company with one Tho Atkinson {illeg} tall black man Mr. Whitfield and his wife Vrsula, George Iohnston and Margery his wife, and this Informt did then <11v> and there see in the custody of the said Thomas Atkinson one hundred and {odd} false pistolls and the said Atkinson did propose to this Informt. to go into the countrey with Whitfield in order to put off some of the sd false Gold and said that this Informt. need not fear any trouble for that Whitfield should carry all the false Gold, only this Informt. should have one Good Ginea {sic} and a bad one and as she put off the false Ginea {sic} she should receive another false one from Whitfield and so receive a false Ginea {sic} at a time from Whitfield till she had put off the full quantity they intended to take into the countrey and the said Atkinson Whitfield and Geo Iohnson did further propose to this Informt. that after they had paid away the false Ginea {sic} and pistoles as aforesaid they would all with this Informt. go into Ireland on purpose to colour their Dessign of putting off false Gold and Silver and that this Informt. should be equall sharer in the proffitt which would arise by their putting away \counterfeit/ Gold and money and this Informt. was latly {sic} told that the said Thomas Atkinson is latly {sic} come out of the countrey Viz within 3 miles of the City of Bristoll where the false Gineas {sic} and silver is coyned as this Informt. hath been told and the sd Atkinson hath brought with him abot. 300. of counterfeit money and intends to put it away at Bartholomew Fair ensueing Atkinson's horse stands at the Naggs head at the upper end of St. Martin's Lane he hath also a house in Rosemary Lane by Tower hill And this Informt. further saith That a short set Elderly man told her of Thomas Atkinson's comeing out of the countrey wth. false money and offerd. to let this Informt have false money

Mary Miller


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[2] Iurat die et anno preedict coram
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