Moses Stringer: The Examination of Moses Stringer of Villers Street in York buildings Chymist 29 June 1698
The Examinacon of Moses Stringer of Villers street in York buildings Chymist 29 Iune 1698
He sayth that abot. 6 or 7 weeks ago calling to see mr Oades Deputy {Receivr} Winchestr. he found him taking the numbers of a great parcel of Exchecqr. bills which were cancelled and to be returned into the Excheqr ye next day and thereupon offered the said mr. Oads this assistance in taking ye numbers of them and as he was assistin{illeg}|g| him he said to mr. Oades what a {brave} ꝑcell of bills are here and mr. Oads replyed that they were not all worth 2d. and the Examt. made answr. then give me 3 or 4 to wype my wth. and Mr. Oa{illeg}|d|es replyed he would not doe the Examt. so much dammage because it was ill jesting with such Edge Tooles but afterwds one of them dropping down he took it up privatly {sic} without the knowledge of Mr Oades and carrying home and being presst with extream necessity he tryed with sweet oyle or Vitriol (vizt 80 of digested with once or twice it's {sic} weight of ) to take out ye Cross with which it was cancelled on the {foreside} and the {Menstruum} took out the cross and left the paper something yellow and brittle read to {cralk} and the Examt. put it off to mr. Cooper a Salesman in Cannon street who offered it to a Collector but the Collector refusing it mr. Cooper brought it back to the Examt. saying it was a {banck} bill pasted paper on the backside to hold it togeather and yn. the Examt. shewd it to his wife and told her yt he had it of one mr mills and she carryd it to a Goldsmith in Fleetstreet who said it was a good one and afterwards she put it off to a Mercer on Ludgate hill abot. 3 weeks ago
M: Stringer
[2]The above menconed Moses Stringer sayth further that half a year ago he borrowd. of mr. William Walford of Leadenhall street by Creed Church Oyleman a 5ll. Exchec bill to be paid in specie in 5 dayes and yt. mr. Iohn Matthews agt. the suger loafe alehouse in Bucklers bury Oyleman and as the Deponent thinks partner with the sd Walford was then present and that Mr. Samuel Walsall caffeeman in Bartholomew Lane was surty to mr. Walford for the paymt. of ye money by a Note which he and the Examt. gave to mr Walford, and yt. Walsall kept the bill till the Examt. kept paid it awaly So yt the Examt. had \it/ not in his hands above an hour and that the Examt. the next day after he thus borrowd this bill of Walford paid it away to one siphorus Lee at the 3 Cups in Tooly street Southwark Furrier for 50s. debt and 47s. 6d ready money and yt he never saw in the hands of mr. Oads any Exchec bills|o|r bills except at the tyme above menconed nor ever saw Mr. Oades since yt. tyme
M Stringer