William Butler: The Deposition of William Butler of Rupert Street in St James Westminster 29 June 1698
The Deposicon of William Butler of Rupert street in St. Iames westmr. Gent 29th. Iune 1698
He sayth that abot. 5 or 6 weeks ago Dr. Stringer Chymist in York buildings carryed the Depont. to mr mollins of the old {Change} and not finding him there they went to his work house for casting of Iron in Southwark and finding him there he asked Dr. Stringer wn he had seen Oade{s}|l| (or Odes) but wt. answr. Dr Stringer made ye Depont remembers not upon parting they appointed another meeting and yn. meeting at the Gun Tavern at Billingsgate they had some discourse abot. a Dessigne to engage {one} mr. Burdone a Cheesmonger at Billingsgate and yn. in company with them at the said Gun Taverne to be bound with mr. mollins in borrowing a sum of mony of a friend of the Deponents upon bills of Exchange which bills were to be counterfeit. A few dayes after (ꝑhaps a week) mr. Cooper took up Dr. Stringer by a Conble for putting off a five pound Counterfeit bill to him and carryed the Dr. to the Swan Tavern near Coopers and the Dr. there sent for mr. molins who came and made up the buissines and a few dayes after the Depont heard ye Dr. curse his missfortune and saying he had this Cooper to pay and ye Depont. answering wt. it could not cost you above 40 or 50s the Dr replyed but there's a Gratuity for he vi{illeg} Cooper would not have made it up else the Depont. sayeth also that he heard Mollins at the Queen's head Tavern within Temple Barr call the Dr. a rogue and say that he made such blunders in his buissines and yt he had this bill to pay for and ye Depont replying that was but a small matter the sd Molins answerd there|s| is|a| Gratuity more then you think on to Cooper or els he would not have let the Dr goe The Depont sayth also that before the Dr was taken up by Cooper the said Mr. Molins at ye Gun Tavern at Billingsgate said that if he had Odle here he should furnish us (meaning Stringer and himselfe + the Depont.) with wt. should carry us to ye market meaning cancelld bills as the Depont. then conjectured Molins and Stringer used to talk much of Odle and Molins said that he loved Injenious men and would be the Deponents friend
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