<017v> [1] [2]

The Voluntary Examinaion and Deposiion on oath of Mary Hobbs late of the Town of Bridgewater in the Country of Somersett and now residing at East Cowes in the ꝑish of Whippingham in the Isle of Wight and County of Southton aforesaid taken before us Sr. Iohn Dillington Barronett and Iohn Leigh Esqr two of his Majtys Iustices of the peace for the county of Southampton aforesaid the 2d. day of Iuly anno Domini 1698

Who Deposeth that not abot. 6 weeks after Christmas last she was had before the {Ma}{yor} of Bridgewater aforesaid and did then swear that the {said} {Iam}es Taylor of the said Town of Bridgewater coyn money, and that the said Iames Taylor was thereupon sent to Gaol where he now is as this Deponent believes and that the said Iames Taylor was afterwards as this Deponent hath been informed brought upon his Tryall at Taunton in the said County of Somersett and this Depont. being the only evidence agt. the said Iames Taylor and she not being there at the assizes the Tryall of him was suspended she being ꝑsuaded to go out of the way at the time of Tryall and this Depont. further saith one Iohn Vandevatt called by ye name of Dr. Vandevatt of Evill in the said County of Somersett did abot. a month before the tryall of the said Iames Taylor ꝑswade her this Depont. to go along with him the said Doctor Vandevatt and he would provide her a good service Whereupon she this Deponent went alone with him to Wells and he the said Dr. Vandevatt afterwards sent her this Depont. from place to place till she came to portsmouth to one mrs Baker to whom this Deponent was recommended by Letter from the said Dr. Vandevattt the Contents of which was that the sd Mrs. Baker should provide for her all necessaries till such time as she heard from him and further this Depont. sayth that ye said Dr. Vandevatt did promisse her yt. if she would stay away till after the assizes he would in the mean tyme provide all necessaries for her and get what money he could for her of the said Iames Taylor and this Depont further sayes not


the mark of
Mary Hobbs


[1] Southtn Ss

[2] 38

[3] Iohn Dillington
  Io Leigh

[4] Iurat augt 9 1698 coram
Is Newton

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