Joseph Hampton: The Further Information of Joseph Hampton of Dudley in the county of Worcester Smith 30 July 1698
The further Informacon of Ioseph Hampton of Dudley in the County of Wrocester Smith 30 Iuly 1698
Who sayth yt. severall times in November and Decembr. last past on Iohn Harvey of Mutch Wenlock in the County of Salop Naylor and Wm. Harvey his brother did in the presence of this Depont. counterfeit the Currt. Coyn of this Kingdom by stamping shillings and sixpences at ye shop of Humphrey Bloomer at Smithies in the ꝑish of Willey in the County of Salop
That severall times in December last Iohn Caddick of ye ꝑish of Sedgley in the County of Stafford Naylor and Edwd. Griffiths living in ye ꝑish of Tipton and County of Stafford Locksmith did in the presence of this Depont. counterfeit the Currt. Coyn of this Kingdom by stamping counterfeit shillings and sixpences in the shopof the said Edward Griffith in the said ꝑish of Tipton