Mary Townsend: Untitled, 31 August 1698
Mary Townsend sayth that abot. 5 years ago this Informts father Edward Ivie got a warrt. agt. one Iohn Hickes, his wife and severall others for clipping and fileing the Currt. Coyn of this Kindom and in ꝑsuance of the said Warrt. severall persons were apprehended but they being Mr. Gibbons's friends he by artifice caused Ivie to be indicted for Clipping by the evidence of mrs Hicks who was one of those which mr Ivie had caused to be apprehended so the said Ivy finding himself tricked by Gibbons's procurmt. and interest was for his safety forct to withdraw by which means the said Hickes and other persons did escape Iustice and the said Ivy was outlawed
And the said Gibbons thin{illeg}|k|ing his said friends not to be secure except Mrs. Ivie and Mrs. Iones's evidence were taken off the said Gibbons came to this Informt. and threatned her yt if she would not swear agt. the said Mrs Ivy and Mrs Iones yt. he would have her hangued whereupon she swore agt. ym. the said mrs. Ivy and Iones upon a bill of Indictmt. for Clipping the Currt. Coyn of this Kingdom and they hearing thereof were forced to abscond for their security and were outlawed upon the said bill
Mary Townsend