John Fountaine: The Examination of John Fountaine now in custody 26 September 1698
The Examinacon of Iohn Fountaine now in custody 26 7ber 1698
Who sayth yt. abot. half a year ago this Examt. was at Wormley Fair near Waltham Cross in company with severall ꝑsons (whose names this Examt. does not now remember and one of the said company pulld out of his pocket some money and in the said money there was a piece which appeared like Gold and this Examt. seing {sic} the said piece said to the ꝑson which pulld out of his pocket wt. you have got Gold the sd person replyd. and said that this Examt. might have it for a pott of Beer if he pleased and this Examt. {illeg}|g|ave the said person a pott of beer for the said piece (which was a counterfeit Spanish pistoll) and took the same away and upon Fryday night last this Examt. was apprehended and put in Bridwell all night and this Examt. did yt. night (with the said counterfeit spanish pistoll) put his money into his shoe to secure it from the prisoners there and upon the next day being Saturday he was had before Iustice Perry to be examd. and being searched before the Iustice by a Constable the said Constable found in this Examts. shoe the said money and pistoll which he had put there as aforesd