William Chambers: The Deposition of William Chambers of the parish of St Martins in the Fields apprentice 29 November 1698
The Deposicon of Wm. Chambers of the ꝑish of St Mar{illeg}|tins| in ye fields apprentice 29 November 1698
Who saith yt. on Saturd morn last one Eliz Bacon now in custody came to this Informt + askt him {illeg}|if| {illeg}|there| was not a Gentlewom lodgd in the house where he lived yt. had a house to let yt. stood in Shandois str yt formrly was a Coffeehouse + this Depont call'd one Sarah Parson to {her} who went along wth. ye sd. Bacon to shew her ye sd house as she ye said Parson told afterwds
Will Chambers