Edward Sparks: The Deposition of Edward Sparks of Witch Street in the parish of St Mary Le Savoy in the county of Middlesex Upholsterer 29 November 1698
The Deposicon of Edward Sparks of Witchstreet in the ꝑish of St. Mary Le Savoy in the County of Middx Vpholsterer 29 Novr 1698
who saith yt. Eliz Bacon now in custody did yesternight confess to this Depont yt. she was ye lattr end of ye last week at a house in Golden Lane which belongd to one Mr. Vnderwood formerly who is likewise no in custody and yt. this day the sd Bacon owned yt. she had been latly to see a house in Shandois street which was formerly a Coffee house
Edward Sparks