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Informaion of Thomas Carter taken the 12th. Octo. 98

This Informt. sayth yt Chaloner hath proposed severall things to him as coyning with him and counterfeiting mault Tickets. Abot. 4 months Chaloner undertook to make a Plate if he this Informt. would bring him a Mault Ticket

This Informt. acquainted Davis therewith who supplyed him with a Mault Ticket by which Chaloner workt the Plate in his own Lodging in wildstreet this Informt. saw him at work upon the sd Plate he was a fortnight doing it

The sd Plate has been finisht these 3 months

The paper was provided by <35v> The said Chaloner and this Informt. printed off abot. Sixscore Tickets from the said plate they were printed at twice

The Receivrs. name at the bottom was writt by this Informt at Davis's Lodging some were writt by the help of a light put under a Glass the printed paper lying under the Glass which was a{s} Chaloner taught him

Chaloner had abot. 10 of these Tickets and this Informt gave Davis the rest except 25 which he took from him at severall tymes of the said 25 Tickets 12 were given to Margt. Catchmead who promissed to seal them up and borrow some money upon them

The other 13 this Informt. gave to Mr. Edwards whom he grew acquainted with in the Fleet where they were prisoners together

The said Edwards did often come to this Informt. + presst him to be concerned with him in any thing he would undertake and complaining that he wanted money this Informt let him have at first 6 Tickets which was abot {sic} 6 weeks ago or more, and Edwards told this Informt. yt he was in company wth. Sr. Thomas Litleton when the said Sr. Thomas reported that the Secretary had owned yt one Davis came to him frequently and told him all that past and yt. Mault Tickets were counterfeited and the said Davy had promist to bring him the Plate and he was sure it was meant of David Davis and he cautiond this Informt. to be aware of him

This Informt. acquainted Davis therewith who bid him be at ease as to him for he should Come to no harm for any thing he should tell him

A little after yt. Edwards had 7 Tickets more of this Informt. which he likewise told him he had pawnd & he presst that he might have all the rest

This Informt re{v}d 1l from Edwards abot. a month ago on acot. of the Tickets + that was all he had from him except five yards of Black Cloth


This Informt saith yt the plate lay abot. a fortnight in an unfinishe{d} house near Red Lyon fields. This Informt. and Davis put it there soon aftr. it was done but Chaloner making great stirr to have it againe this Informt. delivered it to him and he hath had it over twice

This Informt. hath been pressing Chaloner this month to have the Plate againe or at lest {sic} yt it might be {illeg} this Informt apprehending that Chaloner would print off Tickets sell them and be gone and leave this Informt. to suffer for wt. he did

Chaloner promist this Informt. he should have it but put him off from time to time with a story yt he had given the plate to a woman to keep who was gone into the country and yt he had writt to her to know where she laid it and her answer was expected of Friday last the woman he named was Sampson Midwife in Clare market

This plate was only made for a Tryall to see whether they could do it to any likenes but the Design was to make a plate for a whole Sheet which was proposed by Davis & this Informt aquainted with it who would have done it if they had brought him a sheet

Tho Carter

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