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The Informacon of Margaret Peers 18 May 1697

That she hath seen William Mathews and Ann his wife make at one time 17 counterfeit new shillings at their own house in Lambert str in Goodmans Fields in the Month of May last by melting of Metall and pouring of it into \2/ Flasks and yt in the month of Iune last the said William Mathews did bring to her husband's house in Goodmans fields 7l 10s of Counterfeit money and did discourse her husband to know if he could advise how they could look better for they lookt yellowish and the said Mathews did tell ym. of some other persons yt were at work and would have had her husband have made some things to edge their money with and says this was at her house Wednesday and Thursday last week and said that they would do bigger money if they had Tooles to make yt Lettrs. on the edges or Rimms – And says that Edward Ware and Elizabeth his wife of Southwark were some that are now doing the like work and the said Mathews told her the said Ware and his wife had spaud enough to fill 2 pair of Flasks and did intend to go abot. it as soon as they could get money to mannage it and further she said that he would go to them in Southwark and get money to put in with them and work with ym. and did bid this Informt. go over to them and see to get them an Edging Toole for yt. they would want one But having not seen him since she did not go to them Moreover she says that the said Mathews did say yt he and his wife did make the 7. 10s in Iune last and his wife did likewise say yt. they had a great deal of trouble in doing of it it was so difficult for yt her husband threw them of a great many time before they would hitt right

The mark of
Margaret Peers


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[2] Iurat Coram me
      Francis Negus

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