John Bate: Untitled, dated 5 & 7 October 1698
Iohn Bate of Kings Swinford ꝑish in Staffordsh Baker says that he has been acquainted with Henry Dixon Glassmaker near Skrews hole in Gloucestrsh. for abot. 6 or 7 years past not only in his own Countrey Staffordsh but also in Gloucestershire and that the night before last Lansdown Fair he did see the said Dixon at his own house make 22 Counterfeit shills. with Dyes by striking with a great Iron sledge belonging to the stone Quarry upon a hundred weight of Iron or cast Metall which he borrowd from the Saracens head Inn without Temple and that the pieces were cut out rounded and edged {ere} this Examt. did see them and that after Dixon had made those pieces he carryed the Dyes upstaires and yt this was done abot. |1|{illeg}|0| a clock at night he telling this Examt. severll tymes before that he could make money and yt there was good gain in it and then would shew this Examt. how it was done and that he knows not of any person in the said Dixon's house at that time besides they two and also yt abot. a fortnight since he became aquainted with Timothy Roberts als Lese now present Iames Field Engraver Iames bringing to the sd Roberts house without Lawfords gate and that yestrday {Serenight} 27 September the said Roberts shewd him as they were walking togeather in the Marsh of Bristoll a pair of money Dyes whose date were 96 telling this Examt. he could make money and the next morn Roberts did in his Lodging Chamber (to shew this Examt. his {skill} make 2 Counterfeit shillings in those Dyes
Iohn Bate
[2] <45r>Iohn Bate being further examd sayes yt ye Engraver latly keeping Shop in Corne str going by the name of Iames Field did abot. a fortnight since here make one pair of Dyes for Broad pieces of the 2 xxs. and a pair of Dyes for a K Will Ginea {sic} which he did (as afterwards Field told him) sell to one Will Hulbert Clockmaker for a Friend of his and yt Field did tell him Hulbert had also bespoke a half Crown Dye and that this Informt. was munday night last at ye Bores head in March str in company with Hulbert and Field and a person called Thomas Smith {useing} to be in Fields shop whom this Examt looks on Fields bror.
And yt this Examt. was at another time in company of Field and Hulbert at the sugr. loage in Hallyers Lane and at another time was in company with Hulbert with one Ioyce who works with him and the sd Field and Tho Smith at Iohn Webbs in Clifton ꝑish but was not privy to discourse past between Field and Hulbert who did at such time discourse privatly But Field when single with this Examt. hath told him yt he hath directed Hulbert to fetch the 2 pair of Dyes so sold from a Hay Reeke near Hony pott hill and yt Hulbert mist you but instead of it pulled out Tobacco and on Hulberts going a 2d time to the Reek aving Field with him Field took forth the Dyes and delivrd ym him and yt Field, Smith and this Examt. were on a Sunday at the Coach and horses in Gloucestr Lane where Field bespoke two pair of blanks for Dyes of Timothy Roberts als Leese now Prisoner in Newgate and some time after that this Examt. by the sd Field's direcons he being (as he said in Debt) did fetch the lesser part pair and Roberts afterwards brought the bigger pair to the Tower on the Key and Field thinking them not safe to keep them in the house this Examt. and Smith hidd them in the Marsh last Sunday night and yt the larger pair of Blank Dyes now produced and found in the Marsh is one of the two pair so hid in yt marsh and the box + of a Dyes|a|lse produced + found at the Golden Cross in Ballan str is part of the lesser pair of Dyes so hidd the other part thereof being engraved by Field and afterwards hidd in {illeg}|a| Leathern chair in Mr {Luffes} house in the room where Smith lodged but what is since become of it this Examt knows not but believes it taken thence since his apprehension
[3]Iohn Bate
<46r>Iohn Bate being further examd. says yt ye Engravr latly keeping ship in Corn str going by the name of Iames Field did about a Fortnight since here make one pair of Dyes for broad pieces of the two and a pair of Dyes for a King William Ginea {sic} which he did (as afterwards Field told him) tell to one Willm Hulbert Clockmaker for a Friend of his and that Field did tell him Hulbert had also bespoke a Crown Dye and yt this Informt was munday last at the Boar's head in Marsh str in company with Hulbert and Field and a person called Thomas Smith {illeg} isny to be in Field's shop whom this Examt. looks on Fields brother and that this Examt. was at another time in company of Field and Hublert at the Sugr. loaf in Hallyers Lane and at another time was in compa of Hulbert with one Ioyce who works wth. him and ye said Field and Tho: Smith at Iohn Webbs in Clifton ꝑish but was not privy to wt. discourse past between Field and Hulbert who did at each time discourse privatly but Field wn. single with this Examt. hath told him that he directed Hulbert to fetch the 2 pair of Dyes so sold from a Hay Reek near Hony pot hill and that Hulbert mist hem but instead of if pulled out Tobacco and On Hulberts going a 2d time to the Reek having Field with him took forth the Dyes and deliverd them to him and that Field Smith and this Examt. were on a Sunday at the Coach and horses in Glour Lance where Field bespoke two pair of blanks for Dyes of Timothy Roberts als Le{illeg} Leese now prisoner in Newgate and sometime after that this Examt. by the said Field a direcons he being as he says in Debt did fetch the lesser pair + Roberts afterwards brought the bigr pair to ye Towr. on the Key and Field thinking it not safe to keep them in the house this Examt. and Smith hid you in the MArsh last Sunday night and the larger pair of blank Dyes now produced and found in the Marsh is one of the two pair so hid in the Marsh and the box half a Dye also produced and found at the Golden Cross in Ballan str is part of the lesser pair of Dyes so hid the other part thereof being engraved by Field and afterwards hid in a Leather Chair in Mr Luffes house in the Room where smith lodged but wt. is since become of them it this Examt knows not but believes it taken there since his apprehension
Iohn Bate