William Hulbert: Untitled, 7 October 1698
Will Hulbe\r/t Clockmaker living in Towr Lane Bristoll says yt abot 6 or 7 months since he became acquaintd at ye Devizes with Iames Field Engravr. he then working wth. Mr Gove a Friend of this Examints by which means Field wn. he came afterwards to Bristoll borrowd of this Examt. 40s and had trust for blank seals to ye value of 20s and says yt. Munday last Field sent for this Examt. to the Boare's head in Marsh str where he found with Field a person who for some time livd with Field and lookt to his shop whom he supposes to be Fields brother and a third person whom this Examt knows not and yt when he came to them he could not find any buisines Field had with him more then drinking a pott of ale he absolutly denyes any privity or knowledge or {sic} Dyes for coyning being in Fields custody or yt he ever did buy any of him he owns he was abot. a year since in company of the sd Field and severall others at Cutlers Mill absolutly denys his going to any Hay Reek to look for Dyes or yt he went with Field to any such Hay Reek and denyes his selling or disposing any Dyes to any person or persons which he had from Field or any one else and denys that ever he did see any Rack for edging money in any place whatsoever
Will Hulbert