John Bates: Untitled, 8 November 1698
John Bates of Amblecott in the County of Stafford Baker on his oath says that he hath for severall yeares past known Thomas Bodely now or latly living at Stourbridge in Worcestersh. Watchmaker and Goldsmith and did at Stourbridge see the said Boddely about a year and a half since make the nikt of an Edging Mill for edging Countrfeit Shillings and also make a sett of Lettrs. for edging Crowns and that some time before Sr. Iames Tyde last was 12 months at Boddely's then house in Sturbridge which he rented of Mr. Blick and over agt. Mr. Foley's house then he produced \to/ this Informt. a While Counterfeit 20s. broad piece and a White counterfeit French Pistoll which he in this Informts. sight guilded over and weighing the broad piece it appeared full weight with a broad piece he paid away for good and gave this Informt. 8s. oat {sic} of it but wt. he did with the pistoll this Informt knows not
Ino Bate