"A Letter sent to Is Newton Esqr from John Ignatius Lawson"
A Letter sent to Is Newton Esqr from Iohn Ignatius Lawson
Sunday night and Munday morning
Mr Chaloner says he sent Mr Lount to sollicit ye Warden in his behalf and says God Dan{illeg}m {sic} him for a Rogue for the Warden says he shamms himself sick and that he is obligd to act agt him as farr as Iustice rule.
he is afraid one Holloway's wife should swear agt Ioanna his misstress for having false Gineas {sic} of her yt he made he is affraid on Mrs. Hitchcock Mrs Coffees sister should come agt. him and he hears that mr Coffee is in Town and he fears him likewise he says the privy Councell hath made (of Carter he calls a Pardon void and of none effect he is affraid Mr Morris the Messengr. should come agt. him for the Letter he sent to the Secretary he farther addes that I maytell mr Carter that he hath obligd Gibbons to say that the Carter he sued to an Outlawry was one that wore his own hair and {afatt} think short Elderly men and that he is not certain this mr Carter is the same
he says that his mrs. Ioanna is every day with Mr. Coffee who tells and assures her she hath sworn no more then that one Grosvenr her husband and mr. Chaloner was togeather in a Garrt. how that that they made French pistolls but she did not see Mr Chaloner stamp any of them
If Mr Lount can meet wth Mr {Inch} a Clerk of the Banck they go this day to the Recorde and my Lord Chief Iustice Holt but he hates the thoughts of being tryed before my Lord Chief Iustice for he says he'el {sic} find some dammd trick in Law to cast for he turns the Law to the use he pleases. he bids me ask mr Carter if there is any malt Tickets to be produced agt him and desires him to get his wife out of ye way he confesses to me he hath made 3000 {sic}\30000/ Gineas {sic} and sold all or most of them at 10s a piece he cheifly {sic} fears Iac Grovenr and his Coin a Parson's wife who hath seen him coyn many {G}a{ll}ions and Gineas {sic} which he sold at 10s a piece those he says can hang him this Iack Grosvenr is Io Grosvenor's brother that that {sic} was executed
his friends send him word this evening that they have made friends with 6 of one Iury and 8 of another two throw the bill out
Iohn Ign Lawson