John Whitfield's Letter to Isaac Newton, 9 February 1698/9
Iohn Whitfield's Lettr to the Isaac Newton Esqr. Warden of his Majtys Mint Febry 9th. 9
According to Mr Carter's direccon by yor. advice I have mannaged that affaire and I think it may be to the satisfacon of all that hear it but wee now are at a stand by shamming Lunaticks and the more for want of the honor. of your presence for one hour Sr be pleased to come to the Dogg either in passing to or from the Tower I do not doubt but it may be worth yor. while and some find hiden Treasure lye in {Cor{illeg}|n|aves} where never found by reason it is never lookt for in such vacan places I shall not at present trouble you with any but must remain
yor Prisoner + humble
servt to command
Ino Whitfield
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