William Johnson: The Information of William Johnson Farrier at the Barbers Pole near the Watchhouse in Radcliff highway 8 February 1698/9
The Informacon of William Iohnson Farrier at the Barbers Pole near the Watchhouse in Radcliff highway taken this 8th. day of February 169
Hee saith that 4 or 5 days before the apprehending of Mr Lawson Broadhurst and himself Mr. Lawson sent him to mrs Lawson the wife of the said Mr. Lawson for Flasks and Crucibles and brussells sand + Tanners ashes and a brush and said that one Mrs. Williams a soldiers wife had put away some hundreds of Spanish pistolls for him but they begann to be blown and would go no longer and he intended to try Gineas {sic} and French Pistolls and when the Informt had been two or 3 times for the sd Things but could not get ym the said Lawson bid the Devill take the Informant for his money would be all gone before he could get the things then on Tuesday night going again to Mrs. Lawson he mett Bazill Turton comeing out of her house and there reced the Flasks of him but did not carry the Flasks to mr Lawson because he had orders not to bring him any of the things till he had them all but on Wednesday night he carryd. ym. all vizt. the Flasks sand, ashes Crucibles and brush to mrs. Lawson and the next morning being Thursday between 10 and 11 of the Clock the said Lawson cast a Ginea {sic} and a French Pistoll can cut them round with a pair of scissors and guilt ym. after he mrs. Broadhurst had filed themand he put the Ginea {sic} in his pockett and the Informt saw it no more and that the said mr. Lawson mrs Broadhurst and himself being apprehended yt. night upon their being sett at liberty he the sd Lawson said that he could make a fool of twenty such as the Warden and Mr. Molyneux {in discourse}
Wm Iohnson