Daniel Wheeler: The Confession and Examination of Daniell Wheeler soldier in Colonell Primrose's Company in the First Regiment of Foot Guards 14 February 1698/9
The Confession and Examinacon of Danll Wheeler Soldjer in Colonell Primrose's Company in the First Regimt. of Foot Guards Commanded by the Rt. Honble. Henry Earle of Rumney 14 February 169
Who being exax|m|ined Confesseth and saith that one mr Cook who is now in custody came to the Red Lyon in Eagle street aforesaid and called the said Lingen Herring out of the company where he was then drinking and in a litle time the said Cook and Herring came into the Room again and both of them desired this Examt. to stand bail with Herring for a Gentlewoman and Cook said that they were to have a treat for their service and that they might personate any person that they knew to be Tradesmen and House Keepers to the intent their bail might be taken and that they might put off their Soldjers Clothes and put on other Clothes on purpose that they might the better represent the persons who they personated and according to the advice that Cook had given them this Examt. pretended before the Warden of the Mint that his name was Henry Hammond who lives over agt. the Almes houses in the ꝑish of St. Giles in the Fields Shoemaker tho {illeg}|hi|s name is Daniell Wheeler and his Companion pretended likewise before the Warden of the Mint that his name was Iames Ienkins a Barber and Perriwigg maker over agt. the May Poll in ye Strand but his true name is Lingen Herring