Judith Cumber: The Examination of Judith Cumber 28 April 1699
The Examinacon of Iudith Cumber 28 Aprill 1699
Who saith that she hath been acquaintd wth. Sarah Dobson now in custody abot. a year but that this Examt. never saw the said Dobson make counterfeit money but this Examt. saith that the said Dobson did latly declare to this Examt. that when Mr. Saker searched the said Dobson's Lodging room she had a six pence in her pocket which was Dyer's money and that at the same time there was some counterfeit money under a meal bagg upon a shelf in the {sai}d room of the said Dobson at the search aforesd wch. was likewise Dyers money as Dobson said to this Examt.
Iudith Cumber