John Fenton Kistell: The Information of John Fenton Kistell of Westminster Coffeeman 19 February 1698/9
The Informacon of Iohn Fenton Kistell of Westmr. Coffeeman taken this 19th. day of Febrary 169
Hee saith that abot. a year and three quarters ago wn. mrs. Cecilia Labree was newly condemned for coyning he being at Newgate saw ye said Labree put her hand in her bosom and take out something wrapt in a piece of old ragg and give it to her father in Law mr Samll Tibbs and bid her take great care of it because it might be of use to him after her death and the Depont. accompanying the said Tibbs to his Lodging at the Whittington's Catt in ally in the strand over agt. York Buildings the said Tibbs in the way told the Depont. that the thing which his daught\r/ gave him was a Ginea {sic} Dye never yet made use of and cost 6 or 7li {illeg}|a|nd wn. they came to the said house of the said Tibbs the said Tibbs said he would go up staires and hyde it and bid the Depont. stay below till he came down againe and wn the said Tibbs came down he said he had his it where ye window the Depont. saith further yt. he endeavoured to perswade the said Tibbs to carry it to a Iustice of peace but the said Tibbs refused saying yt he was one of the Kings evidence and therefore noe body would suspect him
The Depont. saith further yt. abot. 2 yeares and half ago the said Mrs Labree took a Cellar of the Depont. pretending to lay goods in it and after she and her father Tibbs had been some dayes in the Cellar the said Tibbs called to the Depont. and said come Landlord thou art an honest Fellow come down and see wt. wee are doing— and when the Depont. w{h}|e|nt down he saw the said Tibbs and one Laloo pulling at a Press and mrs Labree upon her knees before the press with her back to the Depont. putting guilt blanks into the Press to coyn them into Gineas {sic} and while the Depont. staid in the Cellar looking on they coyned abot. 7 or 8 Gineas {sic} and then left off finding the Cellar too litle for them to work in and after a week they removed their things and went away into the Countrey— The Depont saith further that he hath reced of the sd Tibbs and his said {illeg} Daughter litle Clipt money for broad money after the rate of 28 and some time 30s of litle money for 20s of broad and sometimes the Depont. paid Gold for the said clipt mony and that he hath had of the said mrs Labree severall parcells of counterfeit money newly made by her selfe and that he hath sometime had counterfeit money of the said Tibbs + Sometimes paid the said Tibbs for counterfeit money which he this Depont hath reced of his daughter Mrs. Labree and some{illeg}|t|imes when the Depont. hath come to have such money of his daughter the said Tibbs hath desired the Depont. to stay a litle for saying that she had not yet done but as soon as She had finisht it she would come— and that the said mrs. Labree on Ianuary the 19th. 1698 being then got out of Newgate said to the Depont. at the Tunn Tavern by Hungerford Market that he had been her friend and she had done him no harm but she must have some money of him and if he would take a house for her she would go on again to do buissines and if he would let her have 10l she would return him 20l for it in 2 or 3 months time and wn he could not let her have 10l she prest hard for 5l threatning to swear agt him if he would do nothing and that a litle before Mrs. L{illeg}|a|bree was apprehended by Gibbons he this Depont. carryed to the house of the said Labree at the Whitington's Catt in the Strand as much silver melted down at the Deponent's house into 3 or 4 Lumps or Ingots as a man could well carry he believes to the value of 150l or above and after Gibbons had released her she came to the Deponent's house and desired 10ll. for she said that Gibbons had taken her up and found up her clippings and new made counterfeit money both Gold + Silver and Materialls to the value of 2 or 300l and Stamps sheeres files and flasks so that if she had not given Gibbons 50l she must have gone before a Iustices|o|f peace and if she had gone she must have been burnt
Iohn Fenton Kistell