Martha Tanner: The Information of Martha Tanner wife of Thomas Tanner of Kings Street in the parish of S Gyles in the Fields Plasterer 4 July 1699
The Informacon of Martha Tanner wife of Thomas Tanner of Kings street in the ꝑish of St Gyles in the Fields Plasterer 4 Iuly 1699
Who saith yt about 2 years and ago this Informt. bought severall summs of Countrfeit money of one Samll White who yn. belongd to Chelsea Colledge and lived in Field Lane in the ꝑish of St. Andrews Holborn and one Iohn Brown who yn. lived in the said Field Lane and the said White and Brown did declare that they with two others made the said counterfeit money themselves and this Informt. being abot. 2 yeares and a ago apprehended for uttering of false money the said White and Brown run away from other habitacons and this Informt further saith that she mett with the said White yesternight and went wth him to drink at the Cock Ale house in Holborn and the said White askt this Informt. if she would buy any counterfeit money of him and gave this Informt. a Counterfeit Sixpence as a Specimen of such money as he would let this Informt have and the said White hath promissed this Informt. to lett her have 12s worth in counterfeit money tomorrow for which she is to give 6s. of good money to the said White
Martha Tanner