Charles Mason: The Deposition of Charles Mason Esq. Comptroller of his Majestys Mint 8 August 1699
The Deposicon of Charles Mason Esqr. Comptroller of his Majtys. Mint 8th. Augt. 1699
Saith that he did this day hear Thomas Hutchins Fishmongr near the Monumt in London say at his own shop yt he knew a man that could make Lew'dors + Gineas {sic} full weight that should go for abot. 3 or 4s. more then the true Value and upon ye Deponent's advising him afterwards at the Ship Tavern by the Bridge to dectect {sic} those practises he replyed before they parted that if he might have 500li encouragemt. deposited in some friend's hand he could discover yt which they had been long seeking after or in ꝑsuit of or words to that effect
Cha Mason