Thorp Groom: The Information of Thorp Groom of the parish of St Sepulchres London Cordwainer 24 June 1699
The Informacon of Thorp Groom of the ꝑish of St. Sepulchres London Cordwaynr. 24th. day of Iune 99
Who saith yt. abot the latter end of Ianuary or begin of February last past this Informt. mett wth. Cornelius Dyer in the street and the said Dyer went wth. this Informt. home to this Informts house in the said St Sepulchres ꝑish and then and there desired this Informt. t{o} {len}d {illeg}|hi|m a Ginea {sic} to buy Materialls wth. in order to make counterfeit money as Dyer declared and at the same time Dyer declared this Depont bought of the said Dyer 18 counterfeit Sixpences and one counterfeit shilling and gave 4s. to the said Dyer for the same and the said Dyer did then declare yt he made the said counterfeit money himself and that abot. a fortnight after this Informt lent to the said Dyer 5s. and had of the said Dyer 10s of unfinisht counterfeit money for the same and Sarah Dobson als Demsdale who was lately executed for counterfeiting of the Current Coyn of the Realme finisht the said counterfeit money and yt in February last past the said Dyer went into an ale house in Cock Lane by Smithfield with this Informt and his wife + then and then and {sic} there the said Dyer did declare pull'd out of his pocket severall counterfeit shills + Sixpences and two counterfeit Dutch pieces and said he made them himselfe and this Informt. wife would have bought the said counterfeit money of Dyer but Dyer would not sell it to her but said it was for a Dutch Capt. but that the next counterfeit money he made for her should be so well done yt it would be ondenyable {sic} and pass as Currt money or words to yt effect and the said Dyer did then declare that he was faint wth working vizt. making of false money by reason he had not been used to a charcoal fire in a great while and that the said Dyer shewd him a file put into a board and said yt he edged ye counterfeit money he made with the same
[2]Thorpe Groom