<112r> [1]

The Depont Iohn Holland deposeth that on or abot Iuly 96 he this Depont. did see Richard White who {illeg}|then| lived in Clements Churchyard in the Strand with one Simms's wife of Gravell Lane of Southwark coyn new money in his Lodging which he cast in a flask it being a tryall for ye said White did promisse to employ this Depont. to coyn money for him but this Depont some litle time afterwards comeing into the interest of the Governmt. though things of another nature yet made the said White decline ꝑforming his promisse that his Depont hath known \him/ for these 7 years last past to be a Clipper

The Depont. likewise deposeth that abot. 12 or 14 dayes before Midsomer in the year 1697 in Woodstreet he this Depont. mett with one Capt. Bedford who was an old acquaintance of this Deponents who told this Depont. that he desired to see him at his house which was the sign of the Sunn in Newington according to the said Bedford's desire this Depont did go to the said Bedford's house the Sunday before midsom\r/ 97 where he found one Iohn Sturgis with him and they were coyning Iohn Sturgis English half pence and Bedford new English shillings they both assisting one another as occasion required Capt. Bedford told this Depont that his buisines wth him was to set him to work but this Depont. telling Bedford that he was engaged to another person and going for Ireland in order thereunto the said Bedford desired this Depont upon his arivall in Ireland to send him word how he liked Ireland and wt. encouragemt. he could give him for Iohn Sturgis and Capt. Bedford did both tell this Informt that if he gave them encouragemt they would both come over in 6 monthes the Depont being going to Ireland with intent and resolucon to coyn with one Thomas Atkinson who did promisse to lend <112v> the Deponents 100l. to put him in a way but upon the Deponent's first comeing into Ireland he meeting with one Mr Edward Loyd who informing this Depont yt he had discovered one Richard White a Coyner & yt it would be acceptable and good service to the Governmt. to detect such persons upon which this Deponent altered his mind & did discover to the said mr Loyd that there were divers Notorious Clippers and Coyners in Ireland who were fled out of England from Iustice and that they were resolved still to hold on their illegall practises in that Kingdom this Depont having been very often in company with many of them did hear ym say that Ireland was the fittest place in the world for coyning the people being ignorant and all sorts of money being current and every body using Charcoale they might use that without being suspected The Deponent making this discovery divers of them were apprehended by mr Loyd and many fled by those yt were apprehended being bayled fled

This Depont. further saith yt. that he hath seen on Iohn Collins who kept the 3 Tunns in Aldermanbury and one who was called Nurse Price who abot. this time two yeares kept a Brandy Shop in Long Lane both clipp and coyn old money at his house in Aldermanbury and that abot. this tyme 2 years he did see the said Price and Collins at his house coyn new money which they stamped with Dyes having a Mill at the same tyme Collins swore God Damne him di{illeg}|d| they think to make any money that he could not countrfeit

The Depont. deposeth yt abot five yeares agoe he receiving 5ll of very broad money he shewing it to one William Peniston a Silver smith in Foster Lane he ꝑswaded this Deponent to let him clipt it which he this Depont. complying to the said Peniston {illeg}|i|n his house did imediatly clipp and gave this Deponent half value of the Clippings in money likewise this Depont. hath seen the said Peniston with Iohn Collings cast sevll old half Crownes at the said Collins's house up two pair of staires in Aldermanbury And yt. one Robt. Wells being under sentance {sic} of death for clipping and exected accordingly before he was exected he gave this Depont. a bill of 6l on one Mr Treavers a Clothworker in Moorefields which money was to bear his charges in Prison and to defray the charges of his buriall as may appear by a Note under the hand of the sd     Wells before his execution to the <113r> Deponent the Deponent went to the said Trevers with the said bill who told the Deponent he could not pay it presently but if he could call in a hour or 2s time he should then have it upon this the Depont said yt if he could pay it in a houre's time he might as well pay it now upon which the sd Trevers bid the Depont. sitt down and then went up staires and the Depont hearing a Noise stept up staires and found him clipping of money and his wife fileing it and to make a Dispatch this Depont rubd some of it on a rubbing leather himself

The \mark//of\ Iohn Holland


[1] 236

[2] Iurat Iuly 16 1699 coram
  Isaac Newton

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