John Conyers: Untitled, 27 July 1699
Iohn Conyers being duly examined before me saith that on the 11th. of this instant Iuly he went with Henry Chapman a Conble to a Cellar at the White horse in Kent street in order to apprehend Elizabeth Pilkington and Ann Chivers and Eliz: Sutton and did there apprehend them for counterfeit the Current Coyn of this Kingdom having severall times before seen them have counterfeit money and that in searching the sd Cellar the said Conble found a flask a file and sand and abot 20s of shills + Six pences of counterfeit money and that he entrusted Iohn Hollyday (who was latly executed for counterfeiting the Coyn) with a pair of Bellowes two pair of Flaskes and his working board to work honestly with he being a Silver Smith
Iojn Conyers